This Tomato Crater is used for a variety of garden vegetable plants. It is a 2pc water reservoir that snaps together and wraps around the base of a plant. It directs the water and fertilizer to the plant roots, and helps prevent cutworms and other insects, thus improving plant health and yield, and reducing water consumption and insecticide use. It also accepts typical tomato cages.
The following features and benefits of the Tomato Crater make it a fantastic gardening tool:
- Water Reservoir: The Tomato Crater consists of two pieces that snap together and encircle the base of the plant. It acts as a reservoir, holding water and directing it to the plant's roots. This feature can help ensure a consistent water supply to the plant, which is crucial for its growth and development.
- Fertilizer Delivery: In addition to water, the Tomato Crater also helps deliver fertilizer or nutrients to the plant's roots. This can contribute to better plant health and higher yields by providing essential nutrients where they are needed most.
- Pest Prevention: The Tomato Crater is designed to help protect plants from pests like cutworms and other insects. By creating a barrier around the plant's base, it reduces the need for insecticides and improving plant health.
- Improved Plant Health and Yield: The combined effect of consistent watering, nutrient delivery, and pest protection can result in healthier plants and potentially higher yields of vegetables, particularly tomatoes. This can be especially valuable for home gardeners and small-scale growers.
- Water Conservation: By delivering water directly to the plant's roots and reducing evaporation, the Tomato Crater can help conserve water, which is an important consideration in regions with limited water resources.
- Compatibility with Tomato Cages: The Tomato Crater is designed to work in conjunction with typical tomato cages. This feature allows for additional support to help the tomato plants grow vertically and remain well-supported.
Refer to the website you provided (www.fliproducts.com) for more information and instructions on how to use them effectively with your vegetable plants, especially tomatoes